
Are postal companies still relevant in the Twenty-First Century?

There are several items that we use in the past that are quickly becoming obsolete because of newer technologies. Mobile phones for instance have made torch lights, wristwatches, alarm clocks, calendars, and calculators to lose a huge market. This is considering the mobile phones have all of these functions in addition to their other main functions. Hence, most people would rather just use their mobile phones than buying and having to move around with those other items.

The mobile phone, the computer, and the Internet have also made people stop sending letters. This is considering what was hitherto sent in letters are now easily sent through instant messages, emails, phone calls, and text messages. Hence, the number of letters being delivered around the world has easily reduced to less than 20 percent of what was applicable. Hence, you might be wondering if postal services are still relevant in the Twenty-First Century. The answer to the question is YES, postal companies are still relevant in the Twenty-First Century. If you want to use the services of a postal company, you should read the experiences of other people before patronizing one. This article will discuss why the mobile phone, the computer, and the Internet were able to displace sending of letters and the reasons why the postal companies are still relevant in the Twenty-First Century.

postal services

Why the mobile phone, the computer, and the Internet were able to displace sending of letters

The major reasons why the mobile phone, the computer, and the Internet were able to displace sending of letters was because of speed, price, and convenience. Not too long ago, sending a letter to someone else in another city in the same country took about 3 days and could take up to a month when you are sending the letter to another country. Today, the contents of such letters can easily be typed out and as soon as the send button is pressed, it would be in the recipient’s mailbox or other type inboxes a few seconds later. When the sender wants an instant reply, they could opt for instant messaging platforms or put across a phone call. Hence, the speed was a major factor that led to the displacing of sending of letters.

Another factor was that it was very affordable and arguably cheaper, to send messages through the Internet, text messages, and phone calls than it is to send letters through post offices. Many people have access to free Internet in specific public places and their offices. Even if they don’t have access to free Internet, subscribing to a data plan is very affordable in virtually every part of the world. In terms of convenience, you don’t need to travel to a post office to send a letter, neither do you have to come out to your postal box to pick up a letter. You can send and receive letters in the comfort of your bedroom.

Why post offices are still relevant in the Twenty-First Century

While normal letters between individuals and organizations containing information can easily be exchanged through the mail, many other types of letters can only be sent physically. For an instant, opening an account and you want your ATM card mailed to you. Your ATM card can’t be mailed through email or social media. Hence, the postal company will be contacted. There are many other types of such materials that are still sent physically by individuals across the world.

Logistics companies are also becoming more popular today because of online sales. Since product orders cannot be completely delivered online as services can be, companies have to ship the products to the recipient. Some postal companies have taken advantage of such an opportunity to be involved in sending products from companies to buyers.